
someone told me he saw a family picture of ours and was asking whether the guy in the pic was my ex.  i asked where he saw it.  he said on the web.  hmmmm... i haven't posted any family pics recently.  neither have i uploaded any pics with any ex.

he described the guy and from the description it did seem like my ex but i said i really did not want to confirm as it's possible it could be some other guy.  he said the guy was big/tall, goodlooking and looked very masculine.  wow, if that is an ex then what on earth was i thinking?!  ha-ha-ha.  he added the guy had his arm around me.  oh, ok.  there are not too many of those pics with a non-ex for sure.  the few that are around would most likely be with a relative.  anyhow, i said i'll save my confirmation for when i have seen the pic.

then last week, he showed me the pics.  ooops, yup, it was my ex.  the pics were taken a few years back.

i asked how he saw it.  he said he searched me in google.  oh.  that is creepy sweet.

i googled myself to see what comes out.  in the web tab, there's several.  in images, a LOT.  pics from picasa, from flickr.  hmmm... i posted them on the web so i don't really expect them to be hidden or private.  but then i'm thinking people would be googling themselves.  i really don't expect them to be googling me, ha-ha-ha.

anyhow, i've lived, and have been striving to live, a good life.  it's not always easy but i'm happy to say that i've managed to get by.

yup, i don't mind the search.  my life could withstand scrutiny...  : )

1 comment:

  1. i had the same case. i was on a job interview when suddenly i was asked about mariah carey! and I was surprised that it was not included in my resume or any document i submitted... nah, i did not deny my "affinity" (dream on, to mariah so i tell this little story that yes, mariah and myself are related, somehow.. haha.. then, i asked why and how that question came about...

    and yup, google was the key... hahaha... i really found that so funny i love to recall that day often..
