screening / scare committee

part I

i told an officemate about this certain guy who wants to go out with me. she wouldn't let me. i am not totally convinced. i decided to put it to a vote. i showed a pic of the guy to the rest of my officemates then asked them to vote on whether i should go out with him or not. it was a landslide no, practically unanimous : }

hmmm... he is goodlooking, ain't he?


he speaks well, too.


why the objection then?


because what?

just because.

eh?! next time i'll limit the decision-making process to myself...

= = = = = = = = = =

part II

officemate 1: be careful when you go out. you should be the one to choose the place. so you'd be sure there'd be no [hidden] cameras...

me: hello!!! it's just going to be dinner. i don't intend to do anything. i don't mind if there'll be cameras.

officemate 2: what if the guy puts something in your drink? in your food? what if he drugs you then takes you someplace else?

huh?! waaaahhh!!! don't scare me!!!

= = = = = = = = = =

part III

me: maybe it should be someplace where i'll be the one to get my food... fastfood... KFC, jollibee, McDo... the food will be handed directly to me from the counter...

officemates: yup... it's safer that way...

me: sigh... no ambience... dinner date, McDo?! ugh!

= = = = = = = = = =

part IV

officemate: text us where you'll go... we'll be there... you'll be safe...

me: huh?! just McDo... chaperones to boot?! i am not going out anymore... grrr...

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