make it clear

dad:  'would you like a sticker to <place>?'

me:  'no...  thanks...'

dad:  'i have a form here...  you can fill it out...'

me:  'i go there only every quarter...'

dad:  'at least you can pass through the restricted gates...'

me:  'those gates are farther from where i'm coming...'

dad:  'well, it's good to have a sticker...'

me:  'it's ok...  i don't want one...'

uhm...  i don't like stickers  ->  on my windshield or anywhere else...  i've chipped my nails so many times trying to remove them from stuff...  i like things clear, plain and transparent...  oh!  i'd say that not just in relation to stickers...  \m/

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