
chatting on the phone and mentioned that i wanted to go to this mall because my combs were on sale...

caller:  'the comb <toot> gave you?'

me:  'huh?!  you remember he gave me???  ei, he gave me just one, ok...  the rest i was the one who bought...'

caller:  'you know it's not good for couples to give each other combs...'

me:  'we're not a couple!'

caller:  'even just suitors, they should not give combs...'

me:  'he's not courting, hello!'

caller:  'yeah...  maybe you're just friends...'

me:  'yes, we've been friends for years...  that's as far as it will go...  anyway, what will happen if you give a comb?'

caller:  'you will separate...'

me:  'haha...  there's nothing to separate because nothing was joined...'

hmmm...  i want another massage comb, please...  ; )

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