
so it turns out the neighbor again unilaterally (she disables/burns replies) sent me a message last january 5.  i got to read it january 8 already.  she again tried to explain a number of things which i will just blog about later.

anyway, i asked her personally what triggered the message.

she said she couldn't take anymore that i keep whispering whenever i see her.

eh?  whenever i have something to say to her i make sure she hears it!  the track record shows when i want to tell her something i tell her loud and clear through their window.  why would i whisper?  when did i whisper?

she says whenever she passes by the alley.

hello!  i am sweeping whenever i'm at the alley.  i don't go to the alley to harass people.  i go there to clean.  we have trees at the side of my brother's house that shed leaves copiously.  i try to clear as much of the fallen leaves (as well as cat- and man-strewn litter) as i can to minimize my dad's and my brother's efforts.  (my dad always beats me to it in the morning but at least i get to help later in the day.)  i sing softly while sweeping the alley (full-blast in the car, nyahaha!).  does that mean all this time she's been thinking i'm whispering about her?!  conceited!  and paranoid!

a few years back, i lent this person 'The Secret' by rhonda byrne to help her acquire a positive mindset.  she had the book for months.  apparently it did not work.

anyway, she says it's not a song.

well, i'll be the first to admit i don't have the best singing voice so she probably just did not recognize the melody...  ;"p
or maybe i was singing despacito.  if she does not understand despacito then she could go google it.
i ask her what i was whispering.

she said i said this cousin is arriving (the one who's been trying to collect money from her).

gah!  that was not a whisper.  i repeated how i said it.  i demonstrated our positions while i said it.  i was hunched sweeping when she appeared from the corner two meters away so i told her.  i was not whispering at all.  i was really telling her!

she asks why i have to tell her.

because they're invited to the party!  i told her brother as well.  is it an issue with him, too?

she says she and the cousin are okay.

did i say they're not okay?  all i've been saying is she did not tell me the cousin has been trying to collect money from her when she was charging up to P100,00 per transaction to my credit card!  my concern is that she withheld material information, not whether she and my cousin are okay.  she even volunteered my card for use by her friends (yes, she has that gall) saying she'll guarantee it.  what makes her think she is qualified to guarantee???  she couldn't even pay my cousin in full!  how long will it take for her to pay me back if something again happened?  don't tell me she's going to pay me ahead of my cousin.

she asks why i have to mention the cousin.

because she's a balikbayan and it's not usual to see her at the parties.

then why single out the cousin and not the aunt.

did she hear just the cousin?  she can ask her brother.  i told him both the aunt and the cousin are arriving and will be at the party.

then yesterday she sends me a screenshot of the cousin's message to her and her brother sending condolences on the passing of their mother.  i suppose she was again trying to tell me that she and the cousin are okay.  she just really misses my point.  if there's any message that would be relevant to my point it would maybe be a screenshot showing her schedule of payments or that she has no debts.

how come informing her of the cousin's arrival is issue enough to trigger unilateral messages?  the cousin is not voldemort who shall not be named.  she herself says she and the cousin are okay.  what is the problem?

this is the same person who messaged an aunt to request financial assistance in the renovation of her father's house (the aunt did offer to shoulder everything years back but the dad refused) then stressed out while she has not replied.

she worried the aunt was angry at her that is why she did not reply.

i told her the aunt is so far (in another country thousands of miles away).  what could she have possibly done to suddenly make her angry?

what if the aunt did not like what she said?

what did she say?

i don't remember the exact wordings now but, at least the way she told me, i didn't find it offensive.

maybe the aunt is just busy.

but she usually answers promptly.

not all the time people could answer right away.  i myself have a lot of unread messages but that does not mean i am angry at the sender.

she points out the aunt and i are different.  maybe the aunt is angry at her for some reason she does not know.

i said she should have an idea why the aunt would be angry at her.  if she culd not come up with a reason then the aunt is probably not angry.  maybe she's really just busy.

finally the aunt replied.  was she relieved!  the response was not what she was hoping for but at least she realized the aunt was not angry after all.

another time she was agonizing over her uncle's delay in sending her daughter's tuition money.

is she going to enroll already?

not yet.  but the uncle sends the money within a certain lead time.

maybe he just got busy so he's late.

even if he's busy he still sends it on time.

he's a businessman.  something urgent might have cropped up so he was not able to.

what if he forgot?

then remind him.

he was the one who offered to pay for her daughter's tuition.  she shouldn't have to remind him.

then just wait for him to send the money.

what if he does not?

then call him.

it would be an embarrassment on her part to call him for money.

i told her the guy is financing her daughter's tuition.  if embarrassment over a reminder phone call is something she has to contribute for her daughter's education then let that be her sacrifice.  that is not so bad.

for a full hour, we were going back and forth on whether she should call him or not.  it ended only because i had to go to the bank.  if i did not have to leave, we probably would have hammered the topic for another hour more.  exhausting.

some people create their own ghosts then live scared...  maybe they should seek professional help.

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