the thoughts materialized

at different times of day yesterday, four things i haven't seen in quite a while entered my mind:

1.  my camera's spare battery protector
2.  my thin belt
3.  my yellow plastic filing envelope
4.  my beige miscellaneous pouch

well, this morning i put my new registration documents in the car (i scanned them last night).  for some reason, i decided to open the trunk (something i rarely do).  i saw this black drawstring bag which used to be just in my backseat but apparently either my dad or my brother (they regularly check my car) transferred to the trunk.  i pulled it out from the organizer and guess what, my filing envelope and my pouch were there.  ei, goody good!!!  : D

i put the bag in the backseat and fixed this blanket which i use to cover the seat.  lo and behold...  my battery protector was there!  what more, i also saw this cute box where i keep my belt and yup, the belt was there...  : )

all four 'missing' yesterday...  not one, not two, not three but all four found now...  isn't that great?!!! : D

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