what's on my bed

i was watching a "what's in my bag" video in bed and thought maybe i could make a "what's on my bed" inventory instead 😄

(i rarely bring a bag 🤦‍♀️)

i actually have a desk overhanging a twelfth of my bed (i roughly measured with my arm, hehe) but i'm not going to include that because
-  the objects there don't touch the bed
-  i could move it away from the bed anytime i just don't

so what actually are on my bed?
1.  queen-size pillow
2.  donut-shaped pillow
3.  turning pillow
4.  coccyx pillow
5.  2' x 1' money pillow ->  a pillow that looks like a giant 1,000 peso bill

6.  flat iron mat
7.  red face towel folded in three on top of the iron mat
8.  himalayan salt lamp lying (yes, not standing.  nope, i don't plug it on.) on top of the red face towel

9.  300 x 100 x 0.5 mm 99.9% pure copper plate where i put my phone when it's on my bed
(i got it because of it's antimicrobial properties.)

10.  red fabric (draped on my headboard)

i'm not at all a fan of red (or any bright color for that matter) but i have it on my bed because the color is supposed to drive away ghosts 👻


heart ears

friend:  'what's that sound?'

me:  'shredder...  i'm shredding...'

friend:  'what the...  i'm trying to be cute here, my background music's a shredder?!'

me:  'y'know, if you're cute to me, i could have a jackhammer here and i'd still find you cute.  if not, we could have the sweetest music and i still won't find you cute.'

it's all in the heart 💘


zoom meeting...

participant 1:  'do you do research?'

participant 2:  'yes.'

participant 1:  'alpha-beta?'

me:  'wah!  i didn't even know there's alpha and beta in research!  is there zeta?'



an object fell under my bed and i was having a hard time reaching it.  then i asked myself,

'if there's a one million prize for getting this, what would i do?'

i got a flashlight...
i got a long pole...
i got a curved stick...
i did some super stretching...
boom!  i got it! 😁

delayed gratification

i had ice cream at 9 p.m.  i usually have it earlier, either morning or afternoon, but there's an additional P50 discount if you order between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. so i postponed.

(yes, i'm willing to wait.  i'd pass the marshmallow test with no sweat 🤣)

i buy it at the supermarket for P510.
i could have gotten it online earlier today at a discounted price of P414.93.
since i waited, i was able to get it for P373.93, inclusive of delivery fee. 😊

i am delighted.  i scream 🍨😋😁

see for yourself

the other week, my sister wanted to order angus steakhouse pizza but i dissuaded her.

me:  'i've tried it.  it's not good.'

she therefore settled for something else.

guess what, today, they sent me slices of angus steakhouse pizza!

ahahaha...  they proceeded to buy!


sometimes you have to satisfy your curiosity with personal experience.