it is my officemate's birthday today [happy birthday, dhess : )] and yesterday over lunch, someone suggested that we all wear the same color tomorrow. sure, yes, go -> everyone was receptive : )
come then the question of what color to wear. someone says red. objection right away from someone who does not wear red. how about green? another objection from someone who does not have green. how about blue? someone prefers orange; another, yellow. no consensus : }
i break the jovial disagreements by suggesting we just go ROYGBIV, i.e., wear the different colors of the rainbow. they all excitedly agree. they ask me what color i'd prefer. i said they all choose first and whatever's left will be what i'll wear. guess what, i was left with violet : }
i don't really have any violet outfit so, today, instead of going home to my place, i go instead to my parents' place where i have access to my mom's and my sisters' closets. (yup, we borrow each other's clothes. in our family albums, you'd see one outfit on my mom; flip the page, it's on me; another page, it's on my sister. years back when i was still a programmer, i'd go to the office wearing my mom's manager clothes. dress for success, ha-ha)
anyway, upon arriving, i go straight to my parents' room for the customary mano then ask my mom whether she has violet tops. she shows me two but i find them somewhat formal for casual friday.
i check out my sisters' clothes. so many outfits and not a single violet! ugh! i was resigned to wearing my mom's top when my sister arrives. i ask her whether she has a violet top and she brings out a wrinkled, super casual violet tee i didn't see earlier because it wasn't on a hanger. the shirt definitely has a more homey instead of office feel but it's something i'd prefer over my mom's blouse. the thing is, i noticed it had bleach marks near the right shoulder part. hmmm...
i think about my schedule for tomorrow. i have a lunch invitation. office hours, i don't really have a meeting but i'm supposed to check out something at another office at another building. nighttime, we'd be celebrating my officemate's birthday at a karaoke place. hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... does not sound favorable to stained tees : }
wait, i do have long hair. i can use that to cover the bleach marks. hmmm... yeah, maybe i can pull it off. i'd just try to hide my right shoulder. in case anyone of you still sees it though (and cringes at my shirt), this blog is my explanation ; )
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