

me:  either you bring this up or you adjust that...

other party:  of course you should bring up...

me:  nah, ah.  that's what i've been saying.  but they say that standard's too high...

the guy did not seem to get what i just said.  i did not elaborate and instead jumped to the next topic.  i was thinking maybe it's better that he did not understand.

the situation would have been shockingly ridiculous and alarming to a knowledgeable person.  (those who don't know any better, however, would have remained blissfully unperturbed.)  the supposedly acceptable and 'not too high' standard has resulted in efforts that are just way off-tangent and unduly time- and resource-consuming, missing the mark by leaps and bounds.  tragicomic.

i sincerely hope the tragedy never outweighs the comedy...

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