not once but twice

my dad wanted to talk to my cousin so i called him in the province then passed the phone to my dad.  was my dad surprised when they started talking.  it turns out he wanted to talk to my city cousin with the same name.  ooops...

a while later, i hear my dad telling my mom that he needs to go to the barangay office.  i tell him that's actually where i'm going and asked what he needs from there.

my dad went, 'you're going there???'

me:  'yes.  now.'

dad:  'what are you going to do there?'

me:  'i'm going to pick up something.'

dad:  'what barangay?'

me:  'our barangay.  near the plaza.'

dad:  'oh...  i need the barangay in the province.'


lightning struck twice...  ; p

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