
friend checking comments and likers of his pic from my facebook account on my phone...

me:  'ei, be careful clicking anything there, ok...  don't make any comments...  that's my account, not yours...'

friend:  'ok...'

a short while later...

me:  'don't make any comments there...  that's my account...  my friends might wonder what i'm talking about...  don't click anything...'

friend:  'ok...'


me:  'be careful...  don't click anything...'

friend:  'ok...'

i kept on repeating the reminder...

when the guy returned my phone to me, i tapped it intending to return to the newsfeed but instead accidentally clicked a colleague of his sending the person a friend request.  aaaarrrggghhhh!!!  :O

practice what you preach...  : }

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