
posted the last set of the address correction requests today.

i was actually hesitant to request them,
the corrections being so basic.
the records, however, are high-profile ones
so i decided to give it a go.

i don't really know
why a preposition
was put in those addresses.

it is not normally done.
it is not necessary.

where on earth did it come from?

no, these were not unintentional.
they were deliberately done
for every single one of those records.

why, oh, why, oh, why?
(YOYOY, hehe)

there is actually a reference in the style sheet
but it is for something else.
was it misunderstood?
the wording is simple.

the thought processes
(the logic, uhm, lack of it)
and actions
of this one holding a position
supposed to be reserved for the country's best
have been making me cringe.

someone reacting to one of his explanations before
actually said:
"This doesn’t seem to be a rational, valid reason."


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