
there are no-brainers
and there are those
that require some brain power.

it does not take much to see a dog barking.

it takes a bit more to notice
that the dog is outside its owner's property.

it takes some form of memory
to know that this is already the fourth dog
seven years running
spending time in the neighbor's property.

it takes more brain power
to recognize a pattern in
- your trash being in the neighbor's property
- your stuff being in the neighbor's property
- your pets being in the neighbor's property
- your guests being in the neighbor's property
- your children being in the neighbor's property

you are negligent.
you are irresponsible.
you are inconsiderate.
you are selfish.
you are brazen.
you are shameless.

even skinner's rats were able to recognize patterns.
you've been unable to for years.
are you a creature inferior to a rat???

in four years students graduate from college.
they would have learned a LOT in that span of time.
eight years and your thoughts still haven't progressed much.
(yes, it's just the dogs that's seven;
others were happening longer.)
if this were a school,
you would have been kicked out long ago.

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