someone tried to break into my place on july 19, 2022. well, there are security cameras here.
10:05 p.m., he arrived on motorcycle. and yes, he was wearing a helmet.
he parked his motorcycle at the end of the street, in front / near the corner of our house.
10:09 p.m., he entered our side gate.
(during the interval, he checked out the neighbors' houses.)
when he was already at the 3rd floor (reached through the outdoor stairs), he did not have a helmet anymore. he also was not wearing a mask.
10:16 p.m. i saw his hand and arm poking through the front window of my living room. it looked like he was trying to reach the door stopper.
so it was him i've been hearing from my bed earlier!
i just ignored the sounds!
i'm so used to all sorts of noises in the neighborhood and a lot of times they seem so near.
i asked, "ano 'yan?!"
-> 'what's that?!'
he immediately pulled out his hand.
still10:16 p.m. he rushed out the side gate which all along he left open. he was not wearing his helmet but his head was covered.
he put on his helmet while he was hurriedly walking to his motorcycle.
10:17 p.m. he drove off.
his attempt failed.
and his face was clearly captured on cam.
i informed the neighbors (through facebook messenger) on the same night.
his actions were reported to the authorities the following day.
i informed the neighbors (through facebook messenger) on the same night.
his actions were reported to the authorities the following day.