the ghost of a dream

i have an aversion to riding a taxi cab by myself.  this is because of a bad, bad dream my mom had about me way back when i was still in high school.  i therefore prefer to take public transportation where there's me and many other passengers than ride a vehicle where there's only me and the driver.  i would much rather feel safe than convenient.

yesterday, since i have yet to have my car fixed, i again had to go on a public commute.  i walked past our village gate and rode the first jeepney that came along.  what do you know, i was supposed to go right and the jeepney turns left.  uh-oh.  i get off, wait for the jeepney to get out of sight (ha-ha), and walk over to the opposite side where i again take another jeepney.  ok, this one goes to the direction i'm going.  i get off where they have this jeepney terminal sign and stand there waiting for another jeepney going to the train station.  i've been waiting 15 minutes and still not a single jeepney has arrived.  i ask a man in the corner whether jeepneys going this place were really few and far between.   he tells me i am on the wrong side (yuck!  again!?) and that i should cross and take a jeepney on the opposite lane, get off at its terminal and take another jeepney to get to where i'm going.  huh?!  i was going so near and yet i have to go this roundabout way if i were to ride a jeep.

i think about how my brother earlier offered to fetch me from the house -> an offer i declined thinking it was too much of a bother to have him go to and fro my place.  on hindsight, maybe i should have just bothered him.  that's what brothers are for, right? ; )

anyway, cabs were passing by and i was really, really tempted to hail one already.  i gave in to the temptation telling myself it is broad daylight, the route is short and it is about time i shake off this fear which stemmed from a bad dream years back.

ride a cab i did and, when we reached the station, i paid the driver who then asks me where i'm going.  i tell him i'm going to quezon city.  he asks me to ride his taxi all the way to quezon city!  my heart skipped a beat, i tell him i'll take the train and i get off the cab as fast as i can.  ugh!  i hate it how this ghost from a past dream still haunts me up to now.  it will take a while before i ride another cab again  : }

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