very specific

i was on the phone with someone but i cut short the conversation when i found out he hasn't had lunch yet. (he was the one who called, actually.) i teased him i wasn't as insensitive as he is.

you see, one time we were talking, i told him several times in the course of the conversation that i was hungry already. he wouldn't hang up. he just kept on talking! ok, ok, we just kept on talking. we were on the phone over an hour, ugh!

the next time he called, i chided him for being insensitive. i said he kept on ignoring my declarations of hunger.

his response? i didn't say i wanted to eat.

huh?! so aside from saying i'm hungry i have to also say that i want to eat?!

yes. just because you are hungry does not mean you also want to eat.

really???!!! aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!

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