doubly great

friend:  'are you happy or are you good?'

me:  'hahaha...  what sort of question is that?!  i am happy and i am good!'

they don't have to be mutually exclusive, y'know...  ; p


calling someone...  network engineer friend beside me...

me:  'aw...  it's myself i hear...'

friend:  'echo?'

me:  'yes...'

friend:  'that means the other end can't hear you...  it's looping...'

me:  'that's from a network standpoint?'

friend:  'from experience...'

hehe...  ; )


mom offers me dessert...  it's just like halo-halo without the ice...

i decline...

sister:  'why?'

me:  'i don't like ube...'

sister:  'it's not all ube...'

me:  'i don't like kaong...'

sister:  'just try it...  it's good...'

me:  'i also don't like macapuno...  it's just the beans i eat there...'

well, what my sister did was eat everything except the beans...  then she tells me:  'there...  you can eat now...'

wahaha...  leftovers?!  well, of a sweet sister...  ok, thanks...  ;")


my phone rings...

me:  'hello...'

caller:  'hello!'

i blurt out a pet name...

caller:  'why are you whispering?'

me:  'am i whispering?  who's this?'

caller:  'you don't know who i am?!'

me:  'i think i do but suddenly i'm not sure...'

caller:  'who am i?'

me:  'i don't wanna mention a name...  what if it's wrong?'

caller:  'so what if it's wrong?'

me:  'then you'd already know who i had in mind...'

caller:  'so what!'

me:  'i don't like it...  that has happened to me before...  i got a call...  i thought it was this guy...  ' turns out it was someone else...  i learn from my lessons...  i'm not gonna repeat that...'

caller:  'so you don't know me?!'

me:  'i think i do but i'm not 100% sure...  i don't wanna risk it...  say something no one else knows...'

caller:  'say something known only to me?'

me:  'duh!  say something known to the two of us, a place, a thing, whatever, so i could confirm it's you...'

caller says his name...



at a get-together last night, the group ended the gathering with a prayer.  well, was i surprised with the prayer of one.  she thanked God for me, saying even if i am not with them often, i still take pictures of them, giving them a remembrance of shared moments.  whoa!  i was a combination touched and amused.  i never thought that would merit a special prayer, more so that time because i didn't even have my regular camera and was simply clicking away with my phone.

awww...  i take pictures of anything and everything and everyone.  nope, not the real photography type of shots where the composition is perfect and lighting is great.  i simply snap away at anything i find nice or interesting or would want to capture before they disappear (like that food i'm about to eat, hahaha).  i've been doing it since second year high school (a looooong time ago).  it's something i enjoy doing and it just felt really good hearing someone actually thank God for it.  i, too, am thankful.

a boy's voice

my phone rings...

caller:  'hello...  this is <girl>...'

me:  '<girl>?'

caller:  'yes...  formerly from <company>...  i got your number from <boy>...'

me:  'oh, <boy>...'

caller:  'i'm not <boy>...  this is <girl>...'

me:  'haha...  i know you're <girl>!'

<boy> doesn't sound feminine...  ; )

rock and stone

at robinson's galleria the other day, i entered the ice cream shoppe cold stone...

me:  'so you have a branch here...  all i know is the one at fort strip...'

store personnel:  'serendra, ma'am...'

me:  'serendra?  no, that's fort strip...'

store personnel:  'no, ma'am...  it's serendra...'

me:  'did you transfer?'

store personnel:  'no, ma'am...  that's our original store...'

me:  'really?!  i'm from taguig, as far as i know that's fort strip...'

store personnel:  'we're at serendra, ma'am...'

me:  'oh?  i eat there...  all this time i've known it as fort strip...'

store personnel:  'it's serendra, ma'am...'

me:  'hmmm...  ok...  it's your store...  maybe my memory's really bad...'

now i google and find that the one at fort strip is cold rock not cold stone...  :"}


a friend tells me her camera's not working...

me:  'what's wrong?'

friend:  'it won't take pictures...'

me:  'are the batteries ok?'

friend:  'yes...'

me:  'did it fall?'

friend:  'no...'

me:  'are you sure?'

friend:  'well, i dropped it a long time ago...'

me:  'that was too long ago...  recently?'

friend:  'no...'

me:  'you said someone borrowed it...'

friend:  'yes...'

me:  'did they drop it?'

friend:  'no...'

me:  'how sure are you?'

friend:  'very sure...'

me:  'how can you be sure?'

friend:  'i'm the only one who drops it...'

; )

sounds like

max's chicken on the dining table...

me:  'how come there's max's?'

mom:  'i went out and asked <sister> what she wants me to bring home...  i thought she said max's chicken...'

sister:  'i actually said McChicken...'

; )

older but not wiser

at the parking lot...  car blocking the supposed route...  my niece turned and proceeded past the 'no entry' sign...  i followed...  :"}

note to self:

you don't use as a model something that is not right...

mind changer

on the phone last night, we set dinner for <day1>...  a while later, it was moved to <day2>...  and before we hung up, it was back to <day1>...

this morning i received a text message asking whether we could schedule it for tomorrow instead...

spell fickle...  : }


i call a print lab...

me:  'hello...  i'd like to know how long it takes to get an 8x10...'

printer:  '30 minutes, ma'am...'

me:  'oh, good...  11x14, you have?'

printer:  'yes, ma'am...'

me:  'how long?'

printer:  'also 30 minutes, ma'am...'

me:  'okay...  you have bigger?'

printer:  '12x18, ma'am...  30 minutes, too...'

me:  'wow...  you still have bigger?'

printer:  '16x20, ma'am...  3 days...'

me:  'oh, 3 days...  if i bring it tomorrow, when will i get it?'

printer:  'friday?  monday, ma'am...'

me:  'aw...  ok...  i'll go for the 30 minutes...'

we all have our thresholds...  ; )

not quite the same

me:  'mom, where were your pictures taken?'

mom:  'at edsa shang...'

me:  'oh, shangri-la plaza, the mall...  edsa shangri-la is the hotel...  your pics don't look like edsa shang...'

mom chuckles:  'ah, yes...  sorry, similar names...'

different ambience...  ; )

better late than never

last CHRISTMAS, i gave my aunts and uncles shirts with caricature prints of themselves...  there were four different caricatures arranged in a square printed on the front of the shirt...  (nope, i didn't draw...  i used an app...)

my cousin tells me my uncle passed by their house last week and my nephew was amused with his shirt...

uncle:  'guess which one i am...'

nephew:  'all of those!'

uncle:  'huh?!  are all of these me?!'

nyahaha...  toinks!!!  ; )


i was so curiously watching on TV how to start a fire just by rubbing bamboo sticks (ok, ok, basic girl scout skill...  ei, i was girl scout ages ago!)...  then i hear someone calling out at the gate...

i checked...  it was a package i've been waiting for!  yiiieee!!!  i was sooo happy...  : D

i went back to the show...  whaaattt???!!!  the short time i was outside (the courier didn't ask me to sign anymore...  he just asked for my name then handed the package to me...), that's the time they were able to start a fire!

awww!!!  talk about timing...  : }

oh, well...  win some, lose some...

happy still...  : )

spongebob squarepants

i was looking for an animal print outfit for one of our family's themed parties...  i was wearing a spongebob squarepants night shirt and my sister went:  'that fits the motif...  spongebob...'

me:  'oh, is spongebob an animal?  isn't he a plant?'

today i googled and i found out that:

1.  spongebob is supposed to be a sea sponge but drawn like a kitchen sponge (the creator, steve hillenburg, is a former marine biologist)

2.  sponges are indeed animals

oh...  pardon my ignorance...  : }

you do learn something new everyday...  : )

do you remember me?

i choked...

me:  'number!'

mom:  '6...'

me:  'E, F...  F?!'

a.  short
b.  over
c.  just right
d.  all of the above
e.  none of the above

; )

found, not lost

in the car about to leave...

me:  'ooops...  my phone!'

i rushed back to the restaurant...

me to waiter:  'did you see a black pouch on this table?'

waiter:  'no, ma'am...'

i ask the nearby table...  negative reply as well...

me:  'maybe i left it at the ladies' room...'

i was about to go upstairs when the waiter asked:  'that one on your arm, ma'am?'

me:  'no, this one's big...  i'm looking for the small one...'

waiter:  'that other one, ma'am...  small...'

i check my arm...  i have two pouches!  i usually have only one hanging on my arm, the big one (also black so black on black).  the smaller one i normally hold in my hand...  uh-oh...  i forgot i put the small one there when i assisted my mom in the sink at the ladies' room.

my, my, my...  <blush>

me to waiter:  'aw!  thank you...'

i rush back to the car...  : }

eye candy

i climbed a mountain last saturday...  while there, i overheard a group of teens asking a vendor how much his goods are.

i didn't hear the man's reply but i did hear the teens'.  they said:  'ooops, never mind.  we don't have money.  we're just full of beauty.'

aw...  eat that for lunch! ; )

lost interest

in the mountain...

guy: 'join us...'

me: 'huh?!'

he points to a radio: 'we do radio...'

me: 'oh... i won't be able to take pics if i'm holding a radio...'

guy: 'it doesn't have to be now...'

me: 'i come here only thrice a year...'

guy: 'it can be done in manila...'

uhm... i don't have a radio.. and i don't intend to buy one... not anymore.

there was a time i used to want to take it up -- yearS back. a friend and i were talking then and i somehow mentioned it to him and, ta-daaan! could you imagine, it turned out he was heavily into it. he even showed me his cards. plus he gave me a book. for a while i was trying to memorize alpha, bravo, charlie, delta and this and that code. i got too busy, however, and i wasn't able to pursue it. i've forgotten about it. now i'm reminded again. i'm not interested anymore though.

yes, it's true... some things you really have to cultivate otherwise they'd wither and die.