1, 2, 3... more

at a family gathering, i saw a spiderman action figure on the table. i wanted a pic.

whenever i see spiderman, "with great power comes great responsibility" comes to mind. i like the idea as is. i like it all the more because i've come to associate it with being a foursquare superuser.

now kiddos were on the couch. i asked who could take my pic.

my granddaughter volunteered. it was a sporty-themed party and i told her i want the pic to show my shoes as well.

take a picture she did. it showed me from head to toe alright but the pic was blurred.

my niece then volunteered to take another shot. it was clear but my shoes were cropped. i usually wear sneakers only once a year, i.e., when i literally climb a mountain. i want my shoes in the pic.

so third attempt was by my nephew. guess what, he got the shoes but cropped part of my head! wahaha...

three kids, three shots, all not quite satisfactory.  i think if we had kept on trying we would have gotten a good one eventually.

the secret to good pictures is a lot of pictures...  click away... :")

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