spouses vs. sweethearts

at a restaurant last night, my friend pointed to a couple at another table then asked, 'you think they're married?'

me:  'haha...  you're such a nosy guy...  anyway, we'll see when the bill comes...  if the woman pays, they're married...  if the guy, probably not...'

(ooops...  ' am so feudal...)

friend:  'maybe we can also find out depending on who is more attentive...'

me:  'what do you mean?'

friend:  'if it's the guy who slices food for the girl then he's probably still courting...'

me:  'nyeh!  i shelled shrimps for <toot> when he was still a suitor!'

friend:  'maybe you already liked him that time...'

me:  'i did but it's not that...  i'm good at shelling shrimps...  i poke the neck with fork, remove the head with spoon, then the tail, then the ones in the middle...  after that you can remove the whole shell...  QED...'

anyhow, i wonder what a good indicator of the marital bond would be...

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