a speck in the universe

two nights ago, my friend was watching basketball and he really wasn't able to concentrate on the game because, uhm, talkative me kept on sharing all these trivial, mundane, non-sensical stories...  : }

i did try to stop when i realized i could be disturbing him but he insisted i go ahead saying the game wasn't good anyway.

then last night, he was playing candy crush saga.  (he wanted to teach me but i wasn't interested.)  so there he was looking really serious (and funny, haha, well, at least to me.  imagine, big guy hunched in front of a laptop intently analyzing these columns of colorful candy onscreen.) and i thought maybe i could lighten things a bit.

me: 'water?'


me: 'water, sprite, minute maid?'


me: 'coffee, tea, sympathy?'

the guy just ignored me...  : }

my sister butted in, 'he is busy!'

yup, with candy crush.

i just find it so amusing that in the grand hierarchy of things, i seem to rank higher than basketball but lower than candy crush...  ; p

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