
i was making a left turn to a four-lane street this morning (two lanes each to and fro) and my car was already close to the edge of the third lane. i was looking to my right and when i saw that the oncoming vehicle was still far, i gently stepped on the gas to complete my turn. was i surprised to see a speeding vehicle to my left. instead of stopping to let me pass, the driver swerved to the left, doing a counterflow!

this angered me so and from my car i shouted, "you're out of lane, moron!" throwing a fist at the driver.

i do not know whether he heard me but he blocked my way and started honking and shaking his finger at me! (yuck! the guy hasn't read one finger to the other person, three to himself.)

i honked back and screamed at him from my car.

he moved finally, not because of me, i think, but because the oncoming vehicle in the lane he was occupying was already very near.

ugh! i hate it when people do not know their place. talk about stupidly arrogant/arrogantly stupid. may our paths never cross again.

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