favorite not

i was out of town last week when i received the following text:

kpg my
umaway syo
at snabihan
k ng "panget!"


sbihin mo s knla:

UGLY nvr starts in "I"
it alwys starts w/ "U"


nkganti k na,
nosebleed p sila!

the text amused me so i forwarded it to my mom and to my friends.

my mom texts back that the message was truncated.  that was tuesday.  i therefore tried resending, at certain intervals, at different locations.

friday, i receive another text from my mom saying the message seems to be my favorite as i have sent it to her six times already.  huh?!  of all messages, ha-ha-ha... i wasn't sure it was getting through, that's all...  ; )

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