it is more blessed to give than to receive

my first birthday gift i received on the third day of october (my birthday is on the latter part).

my first christmas gifts (yup, plural) i received on november 28.

our first carollers came to my parents' place on november 2 (yup, all souls' day).  and then there was another set yesterday, november 29.  they were early not just in date but in time as well  ->  4:30 p.m.

it occurred to me just now the difference in my reactions to the two:

for the gifts, i squealed in delight going, 'yey!  so early!  : D'

for the carollers, i was like, 'huh?!  so early!  : }'

is it because receiving to me is more welcome than giving?  uh-oh...  baaddd...

my dad was excited to give to the carollers...  i guess i should try to be more like him...

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