you're special, guy... VERY...

on the phone:

caller:  'you have 3 options...'

me:  'and what are those?'

caller:  'have <guy 1> do it...  have <guy 2  ->  the caller himself> do it...'

i cut him off with, 'of course, i'll take <guy 2> anytime!'

then the caller goes, 'oh, <guy 1>!'
then he launches off in these statements of self-pity, blah, blah, blah.


me:  'did you hear what i just said???'

caller:  'no...'

me:  'i said i'll take <guy 2  ->  caller's name> anytime...'

caller:  'oh!  you see, i'm used to being shut out by you so...'

me:  'when was the last time i shut you out?  tell me when...  i haven't really been shutting you out lately...'

sometimes we're too caught up in the past, we fail to appreciate the present...

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