on the phone...
me: 'what's that noise?'
friend: 'guess... pinoy henyo...'
me: 'i don't play pinoy henyo... just tell me...'
friend: 'just try...'
me: 'i don't want...'
friend: 'i won't tell you...'
me: 'ugh! ok... hmmm... girl? jumping up and down?' ; p
(this friend and i have a long-running joke about some girl sitting on his lap.)
friend chuckles: 'no!'
me: 'person?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'thing?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'is it big?'
friend: 'define big...'
me: 'arm-length?'
friend: 'could be...'
me: 'wide?'
friend: 'how wide?'
me: 'as wide as a body?'
friend: 'a regular body, yes.'
me: 'is it square?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'round?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'moving up and down?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'sideways?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'grandfather clock?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'round, as long as my arm, as wide as my body, moving sideways, makes a sound and it's not a grandfather clock?!'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'is it on the ground?'
friend: 'what do you mean on the ground?'
me: 'on the floor as against attached to the ceiling... is it on the floor?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'electric fan?'
friend: 'yes!'
me: 'yey!!!'
friend: 'but you didn't beat my time... i guessed mine in 29 seconds...'
me: 'oh, yeah? what's the word?'
friend: 'guess...'
me: 'again?! just tell me...'
friend: 'no... you guess...'
me: 'ugh! ok... ok... is it a person?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'a thing?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'place?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'not a person, place or thing? is it a song?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'a book?' (haha... my lapse... a book is a thing...)
friend: 'no.'
me: 'a show?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'not a person, place or thing... not a song, not a book, not a show... what is that???'
friend: 'oh, the categories that you have...'
me: 'hmmm... what else? an animal?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'is it big? as long as my arm?'
friend: 'bigger.'
me: 'does it have a trunk?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'does it have a long neck?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'bigger than my arm... no long neck, no trunk... hmmm... whale?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'is it on the water?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'on air?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'eagle?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'bigger than my arm, on air, not an eagle... is it a seagull?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'an owl?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'huh?! does it fly higher than an eagle?'
then i break into song:
'♩ ♪ i can fly higher than an eagle... ♫ ♬'
friend chuckles (winces? ; p): 'no.'
me: 'lower?'
friend: 'no.'
me: 'not higher, not lower... so it flies just as high as an eagle?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'but it's not an eagle?!'
friend: 'no... not eagle.'
me: 'but it's a bird?'
friend: 'yes.'
me: 'hmmm... what other bird is that?!'
friend: 'give up... you're beyond two minutes... it's agila.'
me: 'agila is eagle, duh! so i was right!'
friend: 'no... you have to guess the exact word.'
me: 'really?! sorry, i didn't know... so next time i should ask whether it's english or tagalog...'
friend: 'yes...'
hmmm... not sure i'm looking forward to a next time... : }
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