what big cake you have...

i order stuff online...  one of the drawbacks is that my purchase is based solely on pictures...  i get to see the item only upon delivery to me or, if i send it directly to the province, i don't get to see it at all...

whenever i can therefore, i try to check out the same item in a brick-and-mortar store before ordering...

now there's this baking spatula that i liked...  there are different sizes ranging from 6" to 14"...  i ordered the 14" (i want the best, hahaha)...

then i was at this department store and i wanted to check how it actually looks (uhm, i didn't have time to check before placing the order).  they didn't have the same item though so i just asked the salesladies whether spatula measurements refer just to the blade or to the whole thing.  i said i had ordered a 14-inch baking spatula online.

the salesladies were not sure but were inclined to think it refers to the whole thing.

me:  'if that is the case, how do i know the length of the blade and the length of the handle?'

saleslady:  'but 14 inches is too long if it's just the blade, ma'am...  that's longer than a ruler!'

me:  'yeah, i know.  but is there a standard length for handles?  so, for example, if you tell me one is 14 inches, another 6, all i have to do is deduct the size of the handle to know the size of the blade?'

no definite answer.

it's ok.  thanks...

finally, my spatula arrived.  ta-daan!  the 14 inches refers just to the blade!  i burst out laughing when i got it...  14-inch blade plus 5-inch handle equals 19 inches!  wow!

sword fight anyone?  ;")

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