snippet of my life

normally, upon seeing my car approach the village, the guard already raises the blocking bar (i don't know how you call it) so my car could pass through.  well, last friday, the guard did not raise the bar right away. i stopped therefore, rolled down my window, after which i heard my phone ring.  since i was almost home anyway, i picked it up.

i was on the phone therefore while i was talking with the guard (he simply reminded me to get new village stickers), while i was driving from the village entrance to the house, when i opened my gate, parked, closed the gate, unlocked my door, locked it again, walked through the first floor, went up the stairs, opened the bedroom doors, opened the windows, even through the time i changed into new clothes, hahaha.  we had to stop awhile while i changed my top (i had to put down the phone) but resumed talking immediately after.

this is the first time ever i experienced something like this.  go through the tiny motions of my life with someone listening in, haha.  i was telling the caller he was having a blow-by-blow account of a part of my day, a mini-version of a day-in-the-life of little me...

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