try again

i've been targeting to blog every single day for one year.  i was hoping this year is gonna be it.

actually, i've already missed a few but not really because the past midnight posts were supposed to be for the previous day.  posting just got delayed because:
1.  my connection was slow.
2.  my verification code came late and i don't have access to my backup codes.
3.  i suddenly had to attend to something else.

well, last night i really missed it.  i dunno why but i was sooo sleepy.  i came home around 4:30 p.m. and jumped in bed.  then i was awakened by knocks on my door calling me to dinner.  i didn't get up.  next thing i know, it was already morning!

now i again have to move my target to next year.

there is a next time.  some just take too long.

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