
dissuading a friend from going on a long (bike) ride alone.  i was urging him to find a buddy / join a group.

he said his buddy cannot join him anymore because of a cough.

he elaborated:
the buddy
was biking along the highway;
suddenly experienced intense coughing;
wasn't able to brake;
didn't see the pothole;
hit the pothole;
lost control;
reached the sidewalk.

on the sidewalk, there were students waiting for the bus.
the buddy almost hit the group.
the students broke into screams.
good thing the brake worked.

the buddy fell.
kinda grave
(he had no helmet).
good thing the traffic group was present.
they helped him.
he had no injuries but the bike was damaged.
he had to walk home.
he even borrowed bus money from a traffic enforcer.

my friend said
the bike fit into the bus.
[i was like,
of course!  duh!]

anyway, he said the buddy cannot join him anymore because the bike was damaged.

to sum up,
he said the bike was damaged because the buddy coughed.


ahahahahaha...  long story made short...  whatta jump! 🦋🦘🤣

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