we were analyzing some slow performance at the office and i went, 'why don't we try re-crimping the cables? i just had mine crimped by _ _ _ _ _ .'
my technical lead goes, '_ _ _ _ _ who?'
i give him the surname.
he was surprised, 'you were able to make him crimp, ma'am?'
'yes, why?'
'he does not crimp. he's the one who orders people to crimp...'
ooops... it didn't occur to me that i just asked the head of our technical support to crimp my cable : }
i explain that he dropped by my office, crimping tools and testers in hand, so i requested for re-crimping. he readily obliged. hmmm... suddenly my cable seems special, ha-ha
my economics professor told the class before, you don't use a diamond bit to pry open a peanut. true, that is overkill, not optimal. you should utilize just the right amount and the right type of resources to accomplish a particular task. there is such a thing as too much, there is such a thing as too little. and while we're at it, yup, there is also such a thing as too late...
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