no woe

i was on the phone with someone this morning when the neighbor's dogs started howling.

the person on the other end of the line heard it and freaked out.

the old folks used to say when dogs howl someone will die.  i used to kind of believe it.  but i've since learned that there really are dogs who howl daily.  this neighbor who started renting right beside our place had such dogs.

if someone in the vicinity died everytime her dogs howled there'd be no one alive in our street by now.  the dogs have been howling daily for years.

in the first few weeks, it really creeped me out.  now i'm already jaded.
but yeah, it still feels creepy when they howl and you know someone is not well.

i pray everyone stays safe and healthy.
and i hope those who are not don't get disheartened should they hear any dog howls.

know what not to fear.

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