positive focus

a couple of months back, i posted the following in facebook:

it's a saturday and vehicles are crawling along EDSA. see, i can even do facebook -> safely. what is going on?

was i surprised when someone liked it.  i asked why.

he said he liked that i was still able to do facebook, thanks to the traffic.

oh... ok.

then last thursday, i had the following post:

ugh, that biker is crazy!!! he suddenly appeared on my left, then quickly moved to my right, then darted to the outermost of C-5's 4-lane stretch, oh so dangerously weaving through fast-moving vehicles. daredevil. i hope he does not cause any accident and gets home safe himself...

the same guy liked it.  i was puzzled and again asked him what is so likeable about the post.

he replied it's because i still wished the motorist well despite his "unusual ... motoring cutting skills..."

hmmm... isn't that nice?  this guy sees beyond the obvious... and finds good within the bad...  : )

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