i hate it when people change arrangements at the last minute. it's fine if something cropped up. but if you change it just because you suddenly changed your mind, i think that is rude and inconsiderate. it annoys me and turns me off.
i like to schedule my to-dos in the most efficient way possible. you know time-motion studies? well, not that level but something close. i like to do things in the minimal number of steps. i don't like wasted effort. i don't like wasted time. (btw, i do believe that time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.)
last minute change of scheds irk me most, especially if you suddenly move it earlier, e.g., afternoon to morning, tomorrow instead of a day later.
a close second is change of venues. i'm a sieve for locations. i get lost navigating supposedly simple routes. if i'm going someplace unfamiliar then, i like to check out maps and directions beforehand. if you suddenly change the venue, that means all the googling i did are all for naught.
fine if you just switch venues within the same place. for example, you change venues within a mall, i don't mind that at all. at least i'd still be driving to the same mall. maybe parking at a different wing or walking farther but i'm ok with those. what i don't like is expecting to drive from point A to point B then suddenly being told it's now going to be from point A to point C.
tip, therefore:
next time you're going to ask me, just tell me something is tentative. don't act like everything is definite only to switch to something else at the last minute.
warning though:
my response will also be tentative. i say yes because i am given this set of information. if the set changes, then my reply might not be a yes anymore.
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