
fastfood delivery guy looking for someone we do not know.

me:  'what's the address?'

delivery guy:  '<house number> <street>...'

me:  '<street> what?  there are several <street>s here...   <street> 1, <street> 2, <street> 3...  what number follows <street>?'

delivery guy:  'it just says <street> here...'

me:  'there's a phone number there, right?  just call them...'

delivery guy:  'it's a landline...'

me:  'oh...  if you could give me the number i'll call them for you...'

the guy gave me the number...

i called...

me:  'there's a <fastfood> delivery guy here in our house looking for <name>...'

lady:  'oh, yes, yes...'

me:  'he doesn't know where your street is...'

lady:  'it's between <boulevard 1> and <boulevard 2>...'

me:  'hehe...  that's a long stretch...  so many streets are covered...  can you narrow it down, please?'

lady:  'we're right across <street>...'

haha...  right across?  that is narrow...  could even be too narrow to be of much help to someone who's not familiar with the area...

sometimes we swing to extremes when all we need is just to adjust a bit...

chill...  ; )

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