my normal sleeping time is midnight. in the last couple of months, however, i've been sleeping later and later by the day. i therefore made a resolution that starting august, i'll be sleeping by 11 pm. (come september, i'll move this to 10.)
august 1, i closed my eyes 11:01. hey, not bad.
august 2, i missed 11 by 10 minutes. ooops...
august 3, i overshot it by an hour. yikes!
august 4, by two hours : }
side story:
it was a non-working day august 5 (cory aquino's funeral) so august 4 (or so i thought) i passed by the drive through to buy my meals for the holiday. at the window, the crew greeted me with, "good morning, ma'am"
me: oooops... is it morning already?!
crew: yes, ma'am
geez... so i was again overshooting my target -> big-time : }
anyway, august 5, i was on track... i closed my eyes and started my prayer at 11 sharp : )
last night, however, i slid again -> i closed my eyes midnight : }
let's see how i will fare tonight...
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