i'm out of here

my officemate was telling me that there's a scheduled testing of this deliverable by some contractor.

i was like, 'yikes!  will (blank) be there?'

she says no.

i heave a sigh of relief, hahaha

you see, i was craving mushroom soup last saturday so i drove over to market!market!  i was supposed to order at KFC but they were not anymore accepting customers when i arrived  : }

i crossed over to kenny rogers this time expecting to get mashed potato.  it was already late so i explicitly asked whether they still have said side dish as i couldn't see any from the glass display.  i was told they have.  when it was already my turn at the cashier, however, they told me that they've ran out.  oh!

i was thinking of a substitute when suddenly i notice that the guy beside me in the other line, an arm's length away, was said contractor.  ooops... i was't wearing a b _ _ !!!  we greet each other then i tell the cashier that i'm not ordering anymore since they have no more mashed potato.  i immediately say bye to the guy then move over to max's.  there i satisfied instead my craving for caramel bars...

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