
a long truck entered our narrow street and got stuck in the driveway of its destination building.  residents' vehicles would not have been able to come in or go out as the truck blocked the whole width of the street.

good thing i was already parked in the garage.  if i were still leaving, i would have parked outside.  why?  there are these vehicles that have appropriated the street in front of our garage as their parking area.  if we park inside, we would not be able to go out.  we therefore make it a point to coordinate our schedules and make sure our vehicles are parked outside in the order of departure.

ours is a supposedly one-lane street.  both my dad and the owner of the building across, however, moved back the structures on their properties making the street a little wider.  guess what, since it's already wider, some brilliant mind got this notion that the available space could now be used for parking.  uhm, that space is in front of a garage.  how are the vehicles going to go out?

some people did not pay attention in geometry class.

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