more ways than one

teen 1:  'ate, do you know <name>?'

me:  'aw, no...  what's the surname?'

teen 1:  '<surname>...'

me:  'ay, i don't know anyone with that surname...  what's their street?'

teen 2:  'she's female...'

me:  'yeah...  the name sounds female...  what's their street?'

teen 1:  'we don't know...'

teen 2:  'they have a tricycle...'

me:  'oh, tricycle?  you can ask any of the tricycle drivers when you see one...  or you can ask the barangay...'

teen 2:  'never mind...'

me:  'the barangay is so near!  it's just there!  <i point to a fence 5 meters away>...  i'm going that way...  you can follow me...'

teen 2:  'it's okay...  never mind...'

me:  'how will you find her?'

teen 1:  'let's try the barangay...'

teen 2:  'no!'

teen 1:  'all we're going to do is ask you're already saying no?!  c'mon!'

teen 2 balks but teen 1 pulls her...

they follow me...

some people are more receptive than others...

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