
i was standing on a road island waiting to cross to the other side...  i was looking around when i heard the blowing  of horn...  it turns out the oncoming vehicle stopped and the driver was motioning me to cross...  i was along a pedestrian lane and he was giving me priority  <-  something not common hereabouts...

there were still a lot of vehicles on the next lane...  there is a stoplight on the previous corner and once that turns red the flow would be reduced...  there is another stoplight on the next corner and once it turns red, the vehicles would stop...  i therefore motioned the driver to go ahead...

he wouldn't!  with a smile, he insistently signaled me to cross...

aww, he was trying to be kind...  i did not have the heart to reject the gesture especially since he was holding up the vehicles behind him so cross i did...

well, i got stuck between two lanes as the vehicles on the second lane did not stop for me...

wahaha...  i was safe on the island!  it was maybe six inches above street level...    vehicles were going in one direction on one side of the island and in the opposite direction on the other side...  i was shielded by a pillar to my right and was under the shade of an elevated railway...  i was fine where i was but was too accommodating to stay put and now find myself in a position of danger...

1.  don't lose the forest for the trees.
2.  good intentions don't always produce good results.
3.  sometimes you just have to say no.

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