waiter gave me ice cream...
i walked over to our table
and when my cousin saw it
she asked where i got it...
i said it was handed to me but she could have it...
so give it to her i did...
then i went back to taking pics...
when i returned to our table, my cousin gave me ice cream... :O
she said the waiter brought cups to our table
and she's giving me hers to replace the one i gave her earlier...
wow, thanks... : D
just then our aunt came back to our table...
she saw my ice cream and asked where it came from...
i said it was given to me by <cousin> but she coud have it...
so give it to her i did...
twice i had ice cream and twice i lost it...
some things are not meant to be...
; p
If you look hard enough, you'll find a teeny weeny bit of OUCH in my friend's heart because of this ice cream scenario