ace the pace

this someone and i were on the topic of amazon and somehow i mentioned this "tesla guy."  i couldn't recall his name so that's what i used to refer to him.

of course i tried to remember.  i was going, "larry ellison is oracle..."

i could envision the tesla guy's face vividly.  his name, however, was nowhere near the tip of my tongue.

i didn't want to google.
i didn't want the one i was talking to to tell me.
i wanted to see how long it will take me to retrieve the name from memory.

well, it took me 8 minutes. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️
the name escaped me at 3:57 p.m.
it was already 4:05 p.m. when i finally blurted out, "elon musk!"
(there were intervening topics but in my mind i was trying to get hold of the name all throughout.)

the guy i was talking to said he too forgot but was able to remember in 15 seconds.

15 seconds vs. 8 minutes?!
boy, what a scenic route i took! ðŸšĩ

life is a journey not a destination. 😉

more of the same not

i have this favorite garlic noodles from jackson's fried chicken.  i've been wondering what the difference was between the P179 and P129 menu items.  the pictures are exactly the same.  i was thinking the P179 was a bigger serving so i just kept on ordering the P129.

well, today i kinda  craved the noodles a lot more.  it was raining so with the rider's safety in mind i postponed placing an order intensifying the craving.  when the rain stopped, i went for the P179.

the rider arrived and was i surprised when he handed me my order  ->  the bag was cold.

hmmm ðŸĪ”

it turns out the P179 includes a 295 ml bottle of coke.

let's drink to that 😂


niece pointed out this clear goo she's been unable to remove...

me:  'wipe it with, what do you call that cleaner?  i suppose your dad has one.'

niece:  'WipeOut?'

me:  'not WipeOut...  i can't recall the letters but it has 40...  DS-40?  WS-40?  DW-40?'

niece, chuckling:  'DSWD?'

hahahaha...  that's the Department of Social Welfare and Development 😂

when the cobwebs were cleared,
DS40 is my photo printer.
WS-40 and DW-40 were products of my brain exploring possibilities.

the cleaner i couldn't identify was...  ta-daaannnn!  WD-40.

it didn't come quick but eventually it did.  🐌


i had my niece try the ice cream i ordered  ->  black forest by puro.  it had chunks of auro sponge cake.

(auro is a filipino bean-to-bar chocolate brand that has won international awards.)

niece:  'the chocolate tastes expensive!'


not 'sweet.'
not 'delicious.'
'tastes expensive.'

what exactly is that??? ðŸĪ”

air hugs

it's my late sister-in-law's birthday today.  she passed away early this year.  cancer diagnosed in 2019.

i love her so much.

she's one of the best mothers i know.
so loving, so caring, so selfless.
i am really thankful for and i deeply appreciate everything that she has done for her children, my nephew and my niece.

i often told her all those when she was still alive.  yes, even before she got sick.

i am really happy i did.
no regretting not being able to tell her so.
she heard it from me  ->  frequently.

rest in peace, mamu.
you know you are loved.
you know you are deeply appreciated.
thank you very much.

love and prayers ❤️🙏


there are things you mention in passing and there are things you say emphatically.

last month, i called BPI requesting for
reversal of the monthly membership fees
of my BPI edge mastercard
in that order.

i was emphatic about the sequence.  i was telling the agent i don't know how their system is designed but there are designs where once you cancel a record you cannot anymore alter the transactions associated with it.  (well, you can do a data fix but that is not the regular process.)
i'm not sure whether once they cancel the card they can still reverse the membership fees through the regular process so, to be safe, reverse then cancel.

i was emphatic.
i was repetitive. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

sometime later someone from BPI called me asking for confirmation of my request for card cancellation.

i asked whether the membership fees have been reversed.

he wasn't sure.

i asked whether the fees can still be reversed even after the card has been cancelled.

again, he wasn't sure.
he suggested the fees can be left as is since the card will be cancelled anyway.

i said i don't like that especially because i have other cards with BPI.  it's just the edge mastercard i'm having cancelled because i don't use it anyway and it's a hassle to call everytime i have to have the membership fees reversed.

ending:  the guy advised me to call BPI again to request for reversal of membership fees.

yesterday i called BPI for something else then  later asked about the reversal of membership fees which i said i've requested from another agent before.

this agent told me no such request was filed.


i told the agent to have the conversation reviewed.

guess what, the agent actually did and today BPI called to apologize about what happened.  the caller said they've reviewed the conversation and there really was a lapse on their part.

i told the caller i don't want the agent fired, punished or anything.  i'm also not after their apologies.
all i want is for people to learn from what happened so service can be improved.

the caller told me it won't happen again.

hmmm...  i'm not sure about that but with my raising it i think the chances of recurrence have been reduced somehow.

read between the lines

talking about this and that...

i asked what to me was a simple question...

i was surprised by the reply:  "i'll never tell."

simple question answerable by yes or no, he won't answer?!

hmmm...  this won't fly legally but that means to me it's a yes.  it's so easy to say no but he wouldn't.  it must be a yes then.

i ask another question, again answerable by yes or no.

again the reply was:  "i'll never tell."

ahahaha...  these refusals to answer could be answers in themselves.

same league

a friend i haven't seen in years just liked a birthday greeting i posted for her in facebook in november 2020.

it's august 2021.

i can totally relate. ðŸĪ­

birds of the same feather...  ðŸĶðŸĶ ðŸŠķ ðŸŠķ


i went to my mom's place yesterday and upon opening their door, i saw a cat jump out from the phone area.

i told my sister there's a cat inside their house.  we both, however, could not see where it went.

so there i was in the dining area when i suddenly heard my sister shout the cat is going my way.  true enough, it passed under my chair!  waaaahhhh!!!

my sister and i both tried to drive it out through the front door but it instead wiggled out through the window above the kitchen sink.  a jalousie was broken.  a mug was broken.  plates were broken.

well, in our family we view the (unintentional) breaking of plates and glasses favorably.  it means misfortune was absorbed by the broken object.



in memoriam

a cousin passed away today.

he lived nearby but we were not really close.  just the usual hi-hello with which you greet even non-relatives.  understandable because we have a 14-year age gap.  add to that that we're the opposite sex.

there were, however, two notable incidents in our otherwise uneventful coexistence.

the first was four years ago when i got mad at him for blocking my car.  i don't remember anymore how we patched things up but somehow things went back to normal as if nothing happened.

i'd say he's an affable guy.  me, i'd see you on the street and i'd usually just smile or nod (unless i'm mad at you, nyahaha).  in his case, he'd greet you verbally with a smile.

the second was three months ago.  we chanced upon each other and, as is his wont, he greeted me cheerfully.  instead of just smiling back, i admonished him for mixing biodegradable with non-biodegradable waste.  he was obviously taken aback but i've already proceeded to our gate so he was not able to answer.

i heard him complaining about it later, wondering what was wrong about the garbage he just brought out.  he thought i was referring to current day.

the next time i saw him,  i showed him footage from our security camera where he and two scavengers helping him clean up were throwing garbage in our sack. (our sacks are on the unfenced part of our property.)

the moment he recognized himself in the clip, he immediately and repeatedly apologized!
no hesitation whatsoever.
no excuses whatsoever.
just humble and profuse apologies.

he earned my admiration on that day.  it takes a good heart and a sound mind to so readily recognize, admit and apologize for a mistake.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul
and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.

stress tolerance

last august 11, i had a 6-second chance encounter with a neighbor and, for reasons i cannot fathom, she came up with an altogether different version of how it went.  she accused me of things i did not at all do!

she was insisting on it.
i kept on disputing it.

well, footage from the security camera matched my version, not hers.

she has said
timing was off;
there were so many things on her mind;
she was stressed.

you can put those forward as an explanation but they're not an excuse.

there are so many occurrences in this life that will catch you at a bad time.
there are so many concerns in this world that will occupy our mind.
there are so many possible sources of stress in daily living.
it cannot be that your response to them is to
fabricate false accusations,
call the barangay
and have a fit on the street.

consult a psychiatrist.
seek professional help.

it ain't sweet

sister eating caramelized banana...  she asks the help how come it is salty not sweet...

the help bursts out laughing...

she said she was supposed to roll it on sugar but mistakenly used iodized salt ðŸĪĢ

your health and mine

i was going to order breakfast for someone...  no particular preference provided, just a generic "anything healthy."

i was stumped...  to me, healthy food is all-natural, no preservative ice cream 😂

weather the storm

sometimes people do certain things and on hindsight they realize they were wrong.

there are those who keep quiet.

there are those who admit the mistake.
why not?  nobody's perfect.  everyone makes mistakes.

there are those who deny what they did.

and there are those who try to paint a different picture of what happened to put themselves in a better light.

what's done is done.  you cannot alter the past.

we had a 6-second chance encounter and, for reasons i cannot at this point fathom, you came up with an altogether different version of how it went.

you called the barangay and accused me of things i did not at all do!

you can try to morph it all you want now but you cannot erase the fact that you described and reenacted a physical "sugod" (~ charge).  that's what we were going back and forth on.  you were insisting on it.  i was disputing it.

there was no objection about the verbal part, i.e., the word "bobo" (~ dumb), because that is something that i acknowledged FROM THE VERY START.

it was the physical aspect that was contentious.

well, the security footage matches my version and not yours.

i am really, really thankful there was a security camera there.  what if there were none?  between your words and mine, how can what actually transpired be determined?

and ironically, i am also thankful you did it to me.  what if you hurled those false accusations at my sister?  what if you hurled them at my mom's help?  they probably would have clammed up in fear!

in my case, i wasn't intimidated by your screams.  the more you insisted, the more i disputed.  i stood my ground until you finally changed tunes.  what if the one you accused were made of weaker stuff?

you say now that you were just demonstrating how i go down the stairs.  yes, you did that, too.  but it came later, when you were already jumping from topic to topic after we've moved on from the sugod issue.  it was just one sentence.  unlike the sugod, there was no argument about it.  it was short and quick.

you can spin all you want but, if you're in your right faculties, you yourself would know that you are only spinning.

you cannot hide from yourself.

i don't know whether you realize the gravity of what happened on august 11.
how on earth can you describe and reenact something that never happened???
how can you be so insistent about it???
you seemed so sure!
you had details!

disturbing and alarming.

do i now have to retain a copy of security footage whenever we're on that alley at the same time lest you again conjure up some falsehood?  how 'bout in other places?

if this were the office, i could simply have your alter privileges revoked.  your access will be limited to read-only as a precautionary measure.  i don't know whether these things recur but what if they do and you suddenly imagined that someone ordered you to add a record?  to modify?  to delete?  to be safe, you'll only be given view access.  (safer actually to strip you of all system access.)

where we are, however, is not an office.  things are not that simple.  i don't really know what precautions to take.  i can only hope that truth will always prevail.


there are the 5Ws and 1H:

- Who
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
- How

normally the first four can be easily determined.  it's the latter two that could get complicated.

there's a Why that hasn't really left my mind for several years now.  it's not one of those dramatic Whys about life and love or whatever.  my unanswered Why is simply:

WHY did this someone offer my credit card for use by others, three times (!), even if i've told her not to?

it's a simple (?) question that got bigger than what it was because it has remained unanswered for so long.

had the question been answered satisfactorily (i must say i don't really know what a satisfactory answer would be) the first time i asked, i probably would have forgotten it by now.  hmmm...  probably not.  but, at least, i won't be asking it anymore.

i am really curious about the answer.
i am curious as well why the one who did it just keeps on deflecting the question instead of addressing it.
her standard reply is they don't owe me money.  that is going off on a tangent.

then just recently,
a HOW and more
that would remain unanswered
for i don't know how long
was added to that one.

on august 11, 2021, someone came up with an altogether different version of our 6-second chance encounter.

she seemed so sure of everything.
she called the barangay.
she demonstrated what supposedly transpired.
she got them in detail!

i was disputing her.
she was insistent.
we were going back and forth with her accusing and me disputing and she was so bold as to say it can be seen in the CCTV.  well, you watch the footage, it does not match her story.  it matches mine.

WHAT on earth happened there?!
this is disturbing, alarming and really grave.
HOW was she able to conjure up something like that???
WHY did she seem so sure about something that never happened???
did she really believe it happened?

WHAT goes on inside the minds of these people???
HOW do their brains work???

good thing there was a security camera to capture what actually transpired.  WHAT if there were none?

interestingly enough for the WHO, the two persons involved in these two cases are mother and daughter.
i do not know whether that would form part of the answer or it should trigger another question.

there are mysteries that have remained unsolved for centuries  ->  about natural catastrophes, about ancient civilizations...  my concerns are nowhere near that import.  i hope i get the answers in my lifetime.

questions and answers

neighbor's dog out on its own without a leash on august 13, from 4:57 p.m. to 5:26 p.m.

dog owners' questions/statements*

*bakit, nakagat ka ba?
- did the dog bite you?

the law does not require someone to be bitten before unleashed dogs become an offense.

= = = = =

*bakit, na-allergy ka ba?
- did you contract an allergy?

the law does not require someone to contract an allergy before unleashed dogs become an offense.

= = = = =

*(aug) 13 (video) 'yan.  ang hinahanap namin (aug) 14.
- that video's (aug) 13.  we're looking for (aug) 14.

their dog out without a leash (and peeing) on august 13 is an offense in itself.

august 13 i saw in the security cam that the neighbor's dog was in our property then it moved to the neighbor's fence right beside our entrance and peed at 5:25 p.m.

when i went to my mom's house morning of august 14, i told her to tell the neighbor to splash water where the dog peed, the one near the doormats.  i said have them splash water on the doormats, too.  (their dog roams and even lingers in that area.)

the neighbor's dogs also pee in other parts of our property, as in, within our property line, so i specified doormat for this instance.

the neighbor says what my mom messaged them was that the dog peed this morning (aug 14) so splash water on the doormats.  something got lost in the transmission ðŸĪ­

in reply, the neighbor asked for a video. 👏  

i'm the one who has the clips so i showed the neighbor.  i was referring to august 13 when i told my mom so that's what i showed them.

they want the 14th.

uhm, pet owner, your dog should not be out without a leash regardless of date.  the august 13 incident does not cease to be an offense just because it is not august 14.

= = = = =

*hindi naman sa doormat ninyo umihi, kina <neighbor>.
- it didn't pee on your doormat, (it peed) on <neighbor>'s.

just being on our doormat is offense enough.  the dog does not have to do anything else.

= = = = =

*sina <neighbor 1> nga may mga bata, nagpupunta din du'n 'yung aso, mas lalong dapat siyang mag-reklamo pero hindi nag-re-reklamo.

dogs out without a leash do not cease to be an offense just because only <neighbor1> and not <neighbor2> complains.

= = = = =

bonus round:

me to the neighbor (on other dates) :

bakit mo in-offer 'yung credit card ko sa iba, tatlong beses, kahit sinabihan ka nang huwag mo gagawin?
- why did you offer my credit card for use by others, three times, even if you've been told not to do so?

her 'answers.'
1.  wala kaming utang sa 'yo.
- we don't owe you money.

i'm not asking whether you owe me money.  i'm asking why you offered my credit card for use by others, three times (!), even if i've told you not to do so.
(two of the people she offered it to, i don't even know.)

if it happened just once, i could consider it a lapse and maybe let it pass.  but three times?  that is not a lapse anymore, more so after having been told not to do it.

let's be lenient and say you did it the first time because i did not tell you not to.

but c'mon, why would it enter my mind to tell anyone not to offer my credit card for use by others?

if, by some stroke of genius, the thought did cross my mind and i suddenly told someone not to offer my credit card for use by others, how do you think that person would react?

i'm thinking he'd blurt out, "why would i do that?!"

a normal reaction.


2.  ang tagal na nu'n.
- it's been so long.

it wasn't long the first time i asked.

as long as you don't address the question, it will continue being asked.

in your eyes

mom reminded me it was someone's birthday so i got my external drives to look for a pic of hers with the celebrator for posting in facebook.

i found one.  and i was in the picture, too.  i'd say i was more noticeable than my mom.  my top was rather colorful.

i therefore told her the pic seems more suitable for posting in my account than in hers.

she agreed.

i'd just tag her so 'twill appear in her account, too.

on hindsight, i'm thinking regardless of how supposedly noticeable i was, if i post the pic in her account, her friends would still be looking for/at her and not me.  she's their friend, after all.

an ex told me before, no matter how many people there are in a room, his eyes will always try to find me.

sweet 😍

blast from the past ðŸĪ­


the other day, the neighbor whose dogs past and present have been roaming around not just in public but within our private property for ten (!) years reported me to the barangay.

i was at my mom's place and there was a call from the gate.  i checked and two barangay personnel were there looking for someone with my nickname.

i said it's me.

they said someone is complaining about me.

i put on a face mask, went out, and there was the neighbor having a fit.
she was screaming.
she said i called her "bobo."
she said "sinugod" ko siya.
she said "sinabayan" ko pa raw "talaga" siya.
she even demonstrated how i supposedly turned and followed her to their gate!

(bobo - dumb

sugod - to charge toward someone

sabayan - time one's actions with someone else's)

i said i did not charge toward her.  i was going in the opposite direction to my mom's place.  neither did i time my going with hers.  but yes, i called her "bobo."  to my recollection my words were:
"hoy, <toot>, 'yung aso mo nasa labas na naman!  10 years na 'yan!  masyado na kayong bobo!"
- "hey, <toot>, your dog was again outside!  it's already 10 years!  you're too dumb already!"

the day before, her dog was out.  days before that, it was also out, on consecutive days peeing, even right in front of me!

this afternoon, yes, literally to this day, the dog was again out.  it was on our doormats then walked over to pee on its favorite spot.

we don't have a dog.  i shouldn't have to deal with dogs within our property, much more their pee and poop.

under normal circumstances, you venture out of your property to encounter these things.  in this case, no, the nuisance is the one that ventures into your own privately-owned space.

imagine what ten years is.

grade school is only six years.  in that span of time you learned how to read, write, add, subtract, multiply,
divide plus a host of different things.

junior high school is only four years.
add two years of senior high school and you have a total of six years.

college is only four years.

the current Medium Term Philippine Development Plan is only six years.

these people, through different dogs, could not learn how to restrain their pets in ten years!  what sort of brains do they have?!  to think there is urgency of compliance because there is a Republic Act.

the neighbor was insisting i charged at her and i kept on disputing it.

what she's talking about happened less than an hour earlier.  how come we remember things so differently???

the neighbor so boldly declares,
"kahit panoorin sa CCTV!"
-  you can see it from the CCTV!

we did not watch the footage there and then but i did watch it the following day.  well, the footage matches my recollection and statements.  it does not at all match hers!

how on earth did she conjure up such a story?  a product of her imagination she was so convinced was real she even called the barangay.

the security footage shows me saying something to the neighbor while i was crossing over to my mom's place from mine.  i was walking continuously diagonally away from the neighbor and in 6 seconds i was already inside my mom's gate.  yes, i walk fast.  yes, i live very near my mom.

where is the part where i charged at the neighbor???
where is the part where i followed her???
where is the part where i went near their gate???
she was so sure i did those things she even demonstrated my supposed movements!  gah!  never happened.

the footage contradicts her story.  this neighbor was either lying or hallucinating.  either way, not good.

the real story.
i was at my mom's place and she told me that it was a cousin's birthday.  i told her i will post a pic of them together so i went home to get my external drives where the pics are.

on my way back to my mom's place, i saw the neighbor.  that's when i  rebuked her about her dog.

was my statement too strong?  i don't think so.

you have to put things in context.  my strong words are a reaction to the neighbor's repeated, frequent, long-running and ongoing offenses.  these offenses run the gamut.  they're multifront!  and yes, i have pictures, videos, messages, files, even structures to prove it!

and this neighbor has the gall to be so livid about being called bobo?  if that is her reaction to something like that, imagine what my supposed corresponding reaction should be for all that they've done!

going back to the arguments in the presence of barangay personnel...  i point to a spot where one of the neighbor's dogs like to pee.

the neighbor's response floored me:
"dilaan ko pa 'yan, e!"
- i could even lick that!

why on earth do i have to deal with these people?!

i dare her to actually go lick it and she backtracks.
whew!  good thing!  could you imagine if she actually knelt there and licked the concrete?  ðŸĪĢðŸĪ”ðŸ˜Ļ

she instead moves on to dog poop.  she angrily denies that her dog poops.

i also angrily shoot back i have it on video.

guess what happens next:
she angrily stomps her foot on the ground and repeatedly goes, "bakit, nandito pa ba 'yung ta_?! nandiyan pa ba?!  nandiyan pa ba 'yung ta_?!"
- why, is the poop still here?!  is it still there?!  is the poop still there?!


she was the one who brought up poop!  if she wants to get mad about sonething she herself raised, then do it on her own time, not mine.

the neighbor was jumping from topic to topic and even agonized about things that have yet to materialize.  pleasssseeee!

for ten years you could not even handle the present and here you are making a problem out of things that you simply imagine could possibly arise?

grrrr!!!  i'm not interested in your ramblings about the what ifs!  conserve your brainpower for the what is!  don't put too much on your plate, you can't handle the load!

the apple does not fall far from the tree.  similar experiences i had with this neighbor's mom come to mind.

the neighbor's mom once accused me of doing something i did not do.
she even said she told her cousin and her friends and they were all appalled.

she was insistent i did it.
i was insistent i did not.
to settle the matter, i asked for a reenactment.

guess what, two of them, she and her maid, attempting separately several times, could not execute what she was saying i did.  the physical environment simply would not allow it.

did she go back to her cousin and her friends to retract her falsehood?
i don't think so.

another time, our family came from lunch and on the way home my mom decided to visit someone in the hospital.  we were just supposed to wait for my mom in the car but at the last minute she told me and my sister-in-law to go with her so we did.

the aftermath?
the neighbor's mom imputed all sorts of imaginary bad intentions about our presence in the hospital!
again, she did not keep it to herself.  she spread it to her friends.  she even sent a message about what she and her friends think about it.

i asked my mom to inform the neighbor about what actually transpired.

having known the truth, did she go back to her friends and tell them she was wrong?
i doubt it.

these people have wasted too much of my time.  next time they have these flights of imagination, spare me.  make them talk to their clique, to a psychiatrist, to the man on the moon.

andang isi

today is my late paternal grandmother's birth anniversary.  uhm, probably.

she has two birthdays, the one they've been celebrating and the one on her baptismal certificate.  the two dates are over a year apart.

she was born in the province in the 1890s when recordkeeping  was presumably not so rigorous.

my late dad told me that she was beautiful.  i don't think he said that only because she was his mother.  i could glean the beauty from her youth even in her old age.

he also told me that she cooked very well, especially the kakanin (native delicacies) which she sold.

she was widowed in her 50s.

she got to go out of the country for the first time in her 70s when she visited a U.S.-based daughter.

she lived in the province and i did not really get to know her well.  nevertheless, her blood flows through my veins and she will always have my affection.

remembering her with love and prayers ❤️🙏

of money and rabbits

today, GCash returned the P8K+ that was deducted from my account the other day even if it was not successfully GSaved/deposited to my CIMB account.
i am happy.
i am thankful.

on june 1, BPI likewise returned the P30K that was deducted from my account on may 27 even if it was not successfully loaded to my GCash account.
i was also happy.
i was also thankful.

all is well now.
i will be happier and more thankful if i (and other customers) do not encounter such unreliability anymore.

yeah, these companies do not exist for my joy and gratitude.
nevertheless, they should recheck why these things happen and implement whatever further improvements can be done asap.  especially when it comes to money, service should be reliable.

this is not a magic show.  it is not entertaining to see money disappear.  🊄


 last night, i tried to GSave/deposit P8K+ from my GCash to my CIMB account.

no Reference Number appeared.
i did not receive confirmation SMS.
but the amount disappeared from my GCash.

two and a half months ago, something similar happened.
i was trying to load my GCash from my BPI account,
the money was deducted from BPI
but was not loaded to GCash.
BPI later refunded me.

two incidents in a span of two and a half months do not speak well of reliability, i dunno whether of the banks or of GCash which is the common denominator in both transactions.

anyway, i logged a ticket with GCash Help Center and received the following response:

"We will validate your request and the refund will be processed within 1-3 business days once your failed transaction is valid for adjustment. An SMS notification will be sent to your GCash number.
For the meantime, we will be tagging this ticket as close [sic]. If you did not receive the funds within the provided time frame, kindly reply to this email or send us a follow up email."

hmmm...  in my former office years back, Help Desk was not supposed to close tickets until they have been confirmed resolved or declared unsolvable.

you get insights from ticket aging.  closing a ticket when the issue is still pending would be misleading.  the dashboard would be unreliable.

not good.  twice over. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

not quite right

friend told me his dog was going to poop curfew time* so he let it out on a 10-meter leash while he remained inside the house.

hmmm...  he did not violate the curfew alright but he also did not conform to Republic Act 9482 (Anti-Rabies Act of 2007) on two points:
-  "The owner shall be responsible for the proper collection and disposal of excreta/feces."
-  "The length of the leash shall not be more than 1.5 meters..."

the long leash fell short. ðŸ™ƒ

do better next time.

= = = = =

*metro manila is under Enhanced Community Quarantine with an 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. curfew

solo order

got my order from the food delivery rider.  i saw my nephew in the garage.

me:  'oh...  so you're now doing jumping ropes...'

nephew:  'i exercise now...'

me:  'good...'

nephew:  'thanks, tita.'

me:  'what for?  i didn't do anything.'

nephew:  'oh...  i thought you said something...'

me:  'not really...  you want my dinner?'

nephew:  'no.'

whew!  thanks 😅

it's what i know

noticed specks on a supposedly final photo edit...  i re-opened the file and removed them...

sister:  'that's okay already...  they won't notice those anymore...'

me:  'yeah...  but i know it's there so i'll clean it up...'

i cannot hide from me.


my sister was going to the barangay to get a new Quarantine Pass.

she asked me whether i want to go with her.  (only one pass per household.  we live in different houses.)

me:  'i don't want to go out.  it's just two weeks.  i can stay home.'

(from august 6 to august 20, metro manila will be under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the strictest quarantine classification.)

sister:  'the barangay announced the old quarantine pass will not be valid anymore.'

me:  'yeah, i saw their announcement. i don't understand these people.  we're going on stricter lockdown and that's when they tell you to go to the barangay to get a new pass.  how many people will be there?  can't we make do with the old pass?  if they really have to issue a new one, then distribute it house-to-house.  they go house-to-house during elections.'

i did not go with my sister.

late afternoon, my niece tells me the barangay is in our street issuing quarantine passes.

yay!  good!

i got a new Quarantine Pass.

my sister teased me, 'you didn't want to go to the barangay so they came to you.'

haha...  nah!  they must have read the angry comments on their facebook post.
good thing they listened.


editing old pics for a late cousin's class anniversary book.

me to mom:  'i've edited 6 pics...  i've e-mailed them to <late cousin's sister>...'

mom:  'how many are there supposed to be?'

me:  '8.'

mom:  '8?  how come you only sent 6?'

me:  'wait, mom...  i'm not done with the other two...  one has tears and missing parts...  that's photo restoration already!'

color is easy. 😝
clean up is tedious. 🙄
restoration is the difficult round. 😭

stay home

caller:  'i'll go [to your place]...  let's go out...'

me:  'what the...  there's going to be a [stricter] lockdown and that's when you'll be going out?!'

caller:  'when it's lockdown, there are few people outside so it's safe.'

it's this kind of thinking that prolongs the pandemic. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

same name, different girl

last night, i posted a MomentCam caricature as birthday greeting to a facebook friend.

today, i was surprised to see notification that this facebook friend from another circle commented on the post.

me:  'they know each other???'

i checked.

i committed a boo-boo!  i posted my greeting on the wrong account, a  namesake of the celebrator's!

i immediately deleted and reposted to the correct account.

some mistakes you can rectify.

good thing.

shape up

so i was irked that the neighbor's dogs continue being out on their own, caught by our security cameras peeing here and there, even after one mauled a kitten to death in june.

me:  'can you imagine, something like that has already happened and they still would not change.  this has been going on for ten years!  what sort of brains do these people have?   in ten years they still haven't learned how to be responsible pet owners?!  did you see how their dog brutally killed a kitten?'

mom's help:  'i saw.'

me, taken aback (that was supposed to be a rhetorical question, hahaha) :  'how did you see?  the videos are with me.'

mom's help:  'i saw it live.  i was there.'

me:  'a, yeah!  you were watching from the gate.  eyewitness.  in court, that carries a lot of weight.  BUT through time your memory will fade.  the video won't.'

i believe everything happens for a reason.  that killing was caught on cam to serve as a wake-up call.

one of these days i will share it with the world.


my mom requested a MomentCam caricature for her friend who's celebrating a birthday.

i do MomentCams everyday  ->  for my own birthday celebrator facebook friends.  and just when my mom asked, that's when the app would not work!  my phone was so full, the app won't update ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

i therefore had to finally uninstall apps and delete pics and videos i've been holding on to for so long.  i actually have copies of the files in my external drives.  i just want them on my phone, too.

when push, however, comes to shove, you bite the bullet and let go.

i love you, goodbye ❤️👋
