a cousin passed away today.
he lived nearby but we were not really close. just the usual hi-hello with which you greet even non-relatives. understandable because we have a 14-year age gap. add to that that we're the opposite sex.
there were, however, two notable incidents in our otherwise uneventful coexistence.
the first was four years ago when i got mad at him for blocking my car. i don't remember anymore how we patched things up but somehow things went back to normal as if nothing happened.
i'd say he's an affable guy. me, i'd see you on the street and i'd usually just smile or nod (unless i'm mad at you, nyahaha). in his case, he'd greet you verbally with a smile.
the second was three months ago. we chanced upon each other and, as is his wont, he greeted me cheerfully. instead of just smiling back, i admonished him for mixing biodegradable with non-biodegradable waste. he was obviously taken aback but i've already proceeded to our gate so he was not able to answer.
i heard him complaining about it later, wondering what was wrong about the garbage he just brought out. he thought i was referring to current day.
the next time i saw him, i showed him footage from our security camera where he and two scavengers helping him clean up were throwing garbage in our sack. (our sacks are on the unfenced part of our property.)
the moment he recognized himself in the clip, he immediately and repeatedly apologized!
no hesitation whatsoever.
no excuses whatsoever.
just humble and profuse apologies.
he earned my admiration on that day. it takes a good heart and a sound mind to so readily recognize, admit and apologize for a mistake.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul
and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
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