
there are the 5Ws and 1H:

- Who
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
- How

normally the first four can be easily determined.  it's the latter two that could get complicated.

there's a Why that hasn't really left my mind for several years now.  it's not one of those dramatic Whys about life and love or whatever.  my unanswered Why is simply:

WHY did this someone offer my credit card for use by others, three times (!), even if i've told her not to?

it's a simple (?) question that got bigger than what it was because it has remained unanswered for so long.

had the question been answered satisfactorily (i must say i don't really know what a satisfactory answer would be) the first time i asked, i probably would have forgotten it by now.  hmmm...  probably not.  but, at least, i won't be asking it anymore.

i am really curious about the answer.
i am curious as well why the one who did it just keeps on deflecting the question instead of addressing it.
her standard reply is they don't owe me money.  that is going off on a tangent.

then just recently,
a HOW and more
that would remain unanswered
for i don't know how long
was added to that one.

on august 11, 2021, someone came up with an altogether different version of our 6-second chance encounter.

she seemed so sure of everything.
she called the barangay.
she demonstrated what supposedly transpired.
she got them in detail!

i was disputing her.
she was insistent.
we were going back and forth with her accusing and me disputing and she was so bold as to say it can be seen in the CCTV.  well, you watch the footage, it does not match her story.  it matches mine.

WHAT on earth happened there?!
this is disturbing, alarming and really grave.
HOW was she able to conjure up something like that???
WHY did she seem so sure about something that never happened???
did she really believe it happened?

WHAT goes on inside the minds of these people???
HOW do their brains work???

good thing there was a security camera to capture what actually transpired.  WHAT if there were none?

interestingly enough for the WHO, the two persons involved in these two cases are mother and daughter.
i do not know whether that would form part of the answer or it should trigger another question.

there are mysteries that have remained unsolved for centuries  ->  about natural catastrophes, about ancient civilizations...  my concerns are nowhere near that import.  i hope i get the answers in my lifetime.

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