sometimes people do certain things and on hindsight they realize they were wrong.
there are those who keep quiet.
there are those who admit the mistake.
why not? nobody's perfect. everyone makes mistakes.
there are those who deny what they did.
and there are those who try to paint a different picture of what happened to put themselves in a better light.
what's done is done. you cannot alter the past.
we had a 6-second chance encounter and, for reasons i cannot at this point fathom, you came up with an altogether different version of how it went.
you called the barangay and accused me of things i did not at all do!
you can try to morph it all you want now but you cannot erase the fact that you described and reenacted a physical "sugod" (~ charge). that's what we were going back and forth on. you were insisting on it. i was disputing it.
there was no objection about the verbal part, i.e., the word "bobo" (~ dumb), because that is something that i acknowledged FROM THE VERY START.
it was the physical aspect that was contentious.
well, the security footage matches my version and not yours.
i am really, really thankful there was a security camera there. what if there were none? between your words and mine, how can what actually transpired be determined?
and ironically, i am also thankful you did it to me. what if you hurled those false accusations at my sister? what if you hurled them at my mom's help? they probably would have clammed up in fear!
in my case, i wasn't intimidated by your screams. the more you insisted, the more i disputed. i stood my ground until you finally changed tunes. what if the one you accused were made of weaker stuff?
you say now that you were just demonstrating how i go down the stairs. yes, you did that, too. but it came later, when you were already jumping from topic to topic after we've moved on from the sugod issue. it was just one sentence. unlike the sugod, there was no argument about it. it was short and quick.
you can spin all you want but, if you're in your right faculties, you yourself would know that you are only spinning.
you cannot hide from yourself.
i don't know whether you realize the gravity of what happened on august 11.
how on earth can you describe and reenact something that never happened???
how can you be so insistent about it???
you seemed so sure!
you had details!
disturbing and alarming.
do i now have to retain a copy of security footage whenever we're on that alley at the same time lest you again conjure up some falsehood? how 'bout in other places?
if this were the office, i could simply have your alter privileges revoked. your access will be limited to read-only as a precautionary measure. i don't know whether these things recur but what if they do and you suddenly imagined that someone ordered you to add a record? to modify? to delete? to be safe, you'll only be given view access. (safer actually to strip you of all system access.)
where we are, however, is not an office. things are not that simple. i don't really know what precautions to take. i can only hope that truth will always prevail.
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