a rose by any other name

i was on the phone with a friend who's supposed to bring me KFC Krushers.  i was about to tell him what flavor i liked when suddenly i hesitated a bit.  i wasn't sure what to tell him...  : }

i know i like Rockin' Road, at least that's what the menu and the posters and the website say the name of the Krushers is.  the thing is, when you ask for such flavor at the counter, the crew calls it Rocky Road.  even the receipt says Rocky Road.  that's a popular ice cream flavor, right?  maybe that's a main ingredient?  maybe that's the cause of the confusion?  whatever.  i just told my friend about the 'identity crisis,' hehe...  ; )

regardless of how it's called, the important thing is that it tastes good...  : )

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