not getting across

i was at my telco's shop and i was informing them that the lock-up period for one of the numbers under my account is expiring next month and i don't intend to renew it anymore.

the customer service representative checked their database and informed me it's expiring on july 26 yet so i have to go back on july 26 and only then will they process it.

i asked what day july 26 is.

the CSR told me it's a friday.

me:  'aw...  if i go on a saturday or sunday will the contract be renewed automatically?  as in, will i then have to request for pre-termination?'

CSR:  'we will just charge you pro-rated...  just for the days you used...'

me:  'actually this number is not being used anymore...  it hasn't been used for months, the user has died...'

CSR:  'if you pre-terminate there will be charges...'

me:  'yeah, i know...  i've been here before and that's what i was told so we're finishing the lock-in period...'

CSR:  'just come back on or after july 26...'

me:  'that's a friday...  if i go saturday or sunday, you will bill me for the two days?'

CSR:  'yes...'

me:  'can you just tag the number now for termination?'

CSR:  'there is a termination fee because you have a contract...'

me:  'no, i'm not pre-terminating... i mean tag it today that the subscriber is not going to renew it anymore in july...'

CSR:  'we can't do that...  it has to be on or after july 26...'

me:  'really?  that's not a good program you have...  the programmer / analyst should have included a provision for tagging for non-renewal...  well, yeah...  it depends on the specs he was given...'

the CSR just gave me a blank stare...

me:  'hmmm...  can you just note on my account that i came here today informing you that i don't intend to renew this number anymore?  just this number, ok...  i have several numbers...  this is the only one i'm not going to renew...'

CSR:  'we cannot enter notes...'

me:  'aw...  so maybe i should just go online and inform customer support through your website so at least a ticket would be logged...'

another blank stare...

this is the same telco who e-mailed me a rather weak password when i forgot mine.  i sent them e-mail telling them to

     "please advise relevant ... personnel/managers ... that the password you used for reset would not pass basic security checks...  definitely needs improvement..."

the reply i got?

     "Please be advised that you can reset/change your password upon login..."


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